The builders are raising the roof, and Mother Nature is raising the temperature! Honestly, I don't know how those workers are making so much progress in all this heat -- I'd be dead! Terry and I went out there Saturday and did
back-breaking work ALL day in that sweltering heat...well, from 1:00 until dark...well, Terry was on his tractor...OK, so I gave out and lay down in the basement after one and a half hours of pulling and spraying weeds...OK, so I drove home about 4:00 and got the camera, more cold Gator-Ade, ice tea, cool rag, barbecue, (but I did return)...OK, so we both did sit down for barbecue and ice tea around 7:30. But we didn't leave until after dark. And those almost 2 hours I worked in the heat made me very ill for the next hour and I thought I was lying on my death bed of hard boards in that dark, stuffy, pine basement coffin. I don't know how Terry stayed on his tractor mowing all those hours...true love (not
me--the land, and tractor)! We were going to have our first meal in our new home, but it was just too hot, even at 7:30; so we chose a breezy, shady place on boards under the pecan tree. Then I took some beautiful, soothing, sun-setting pictures!
The unrelenting heat has kept neither us nor the builders away. We went out there yesterday around 3:00 p.m. and 3 builders were working away in 100 degree heat! We told them to go home, but they are just as stubborn as they are genius and hard-working. Terry was able to go over a few things in the plans with foreman Lawrence, and I was able to get some good pictures!
Steady now! Please don't trip!! |