Two weeks from last post and still loving every inch and minute of my future home!! The weather couldn't be more beautiful! I never know if I like fall better or spring better! I think I like fall better in the fall and spring better in the spring!
Since last post...the wonderful, genius construction engineers have been working on the trim around some of the windows; they have added a side porch that leads to the mud room (which will have a wheel chair ramp from the driveway); they have put in most of the exterior doors, with locks, which I will discuss later; AND they have built a beautiful front deck minus the railings! I LOVE the front deck!!!! I guess I should add that the septic tank engineers have also dug up the front yard (why front? I do not know) and started putting the septic tank in...which I wasn't half as excited about as the front deck, for obvious reasons. Moving right along, 2 of the bathtubs have been delivered. My luxury jetted bath is still to come, the bath in the basement only has a shower, and the 5th bath is a half bath. Let's see...what else in the past 2 weeks...OH--the beautiful beams! Our super strong and genius builders have been installing (is that the term?) the decorative beams in the great room and loft ceilings. Those beams are HUGE and HEAVY!!! When I say heavy, I mean really, really heavy -- like 2 tons (seems like it anyway--I couldn't even lift one end a half inch). It's a tremendous task and very time-consuming to get just one beam up there. I admire these guys so much for what they do and for the care they are taking in our future home. I know God will bless them for their hard work!
I should mention that Terry and I are now trying to decide what "color" finish to use on the interior flat logs. This is a HUGE decision which cannot be taken lightly. This has been our biggest and most difficult decision since the building started. So we first narrowed it down to 5 shades: light honey, light natural, dark honey, dark natural, and hazelnut. We now have it down to 2 shades and are still going back and forth--back and forth between each other, that is. Terry likes the dark natural because he says it brings out the grains in the wood more and I am dead set on the light natural, because I want my interior to LIGHT as possible! The honey shades are actually prettier to look at, but they have yellow in them, which will clash with too many other colors I want to use. We want to go with the shades that have brown undertones. So I will post pics of the finish colors below, and if you happen to be reading this and wish to cast a vote, just leave a comment. I
welcome your votes, as long as you go with light natural, LOL!!!
Now on a bit of a sour note...the dreaded happened. Thieves entered our future home!!! :-( Terry and the builders just view this as a problem / solution type of event. But this just breaks my heart! To think that strangers entered my home uninvited, walking past a locked gate (easy to walk past, but still...)! All they took were some drop cords which were definitely in a certain spot in the house on Friday and definitely gone on Monday (they filed a police report). I prefer to think some curious teens walked up there on a dare and entered our easy-to-enter at that time home. Then they just couldn't leave without taking something with them, easy to carry. A serious thief would have taken tools, right? I am extremely thankful that they did not vandalize our home. Wow. So our builders either put doors with locks on all the outside entrances or boarded them up. Windows are locked as well. We are also looking into security measures with video surveillance.
Back to happy, happy, happy...time for pics!!! :-)
Side door from great room to covered porch to boarded sun room. I didn't take good pictures, but you can walk from this porch to front deck.
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those beautiful beams! |
Door leading to mud room from side porch. |
Sun room door on right, front doors on left |
The world is a playground! |
I love them. |
Get off my decorative beams!
Those wonderful grandkids!! |
Care to vote, anyone? Pictures below are from right to left. My vote is for 2nd from left above, light natural. Terry votes for dark natural. Who will win??? Hmmm..... |